Here we are at Day 4 of my favourite scrapbook things.

Don’t forget to comment to be entered into the draw at the end of my 12 days. If you want to know more about what’s going on AND see my first three days of favourites, just scroll through the previous posts!

Let’s get on with today’s pick.

Day 4: A Battery-Operated Light

Have you ever been at a crop and found it just a bit too dark? Perhaps you need a little extra light on something you’re working on at home. In either instance, can’t you imagine the convenience of a light that doesn’t have to be plugged in?

I have an electric Ott light at home.  Ott is a brand name for those that aren’t familiar with it. It’s not something I bring to crops simply because it’s usually not convenient to plug in.

ott light in box

But recently I saw one of “my” scrapbook gals with a battery-operated light–and I immediately thought, “Wow!”

That light is perfect for a place like the IOOF Hall where I hold many of my crops (like the Pajama Crop coming up January 12-14!  Message me for details!).

The IOOF Hall is a great hall with lots of space but unfortunately it doesn’t have a lot of electrical outlets. In fact, outlets here are almost non-existent! I’m not a fan of having extension cords running along the floor where people could trip. So, seeing a cordless light–like I said; “Wow!”

Of course, I immediately checked my supplier and I found a couple of options. So here they are:

cordless ott light

First up; that cordless Ott Light. It is a little pricey at $85 but I like the fact that it’s got a rechargeable battery AND an AC adapter.

cordless LED light in box

The second light is a new product. It’s an LED light, also rechargeable, by USB or wall adapter. And the price is much lower at $42. I’m not entirely sure I’d like the glaring little bulb on this one though so I’m sticking with the Ott light.

Vivilux LED light

But either way, I think a cordless rechargeable light would be a great investment. I like good lighting and really like the Ott light I have. Cordless would make it so much handier.

So what do you think? Would you like a rechargeable light? Or do you have one? Can you suggest another brand? How important is lighting to you when you’re crafting?

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